
Bulge disk xray
Bulge disk xray

Significant forward head posture can lead to C5 C6 disc bulging. When forward head posture is present, it places abnormal stress on the discs. This is one of the areas in the spine most frequently affected by poor posture. The C5 C6 segments in the spine are frequently referred to as the stress vertebrae because they support most of the weight from the neck and head. Discomfort in the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger.Pins and needles or numbness in the neck, arms, hands, or shoulders.Pain in the neck, arms, hands or shoulders.Patients with bulging and herniated discs may experience similar symptoms however, not everyone experiences symptoms or pain.

bulge disk xray

While a physical exam is important and frequently includes neurological testing, the only way to be sure you have a bulging disc is through diagnostic image testing via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT). The diagnosis of a C5 C6 bulging disc often includes a physical exam and imaging tests. When no rupture or tear is present in a protruding disc, it is considered a bulging disc.Ī slipped disc and ruptured disc are both other names for a herniated disc. A protruding disc is considered herniated when a rupture or tear is present. Although the words are often used interchangeably, they are actually different. Let’s first discuss the difference between a bulging disc and a herniated disc. Throughout this blog, we’ll explore the answers to all of these questions and more. What is the difference between a bulging disc and a herniated disc?.

bulge disk xray

  • What can I do to keep things from getting worse?.
  • bulge disk xray

    What are the common symptoms associated with C5 C6 bulging disc?.If you have recently been diagnosed with a C5 C6 bulging disc, you may find yourself asking questions such as: When disc problems such as C5 C6 disc bulging occur in the cervical spine, it can create pressure on the nerve roots next to the spinal cord, which can lead to a variety of symptoms and health concerns. The spinal cord serves as the communication point of the body’s central nervous system by carrying signals from the brain to the peripheral nerves.

    Bulge disk xray